646-204 CSE
Cisco Sales Expert
Exam Number:646-204
Duration: 60 minutes (55-65 questions)
Available Languages: English and Japanese
Cisco 646-204 Exam Description
The 646-204
CSE Cisco Sales Expert exam tests a candidate’s knowledge of the
features and benefits of unified communications, mobility, security,
data center, routing and switching products, service and support
offerings, partner tools and the competitive differentiators and
positioning of Cisco solutions. Candidates can prepare for this exam by
taking the CSE Cisco Sales Expert course.
Cisco 646-204 Exam Topics
Describe Cisco Unified Communication solutions
* Describe the problems that Cisco Unified Communications will solve.
* Describe Cisco Unified Communications products.
* Describe Unified Communications solutions for three market levels.
* Design a solution using Cisco Unified Communications products.
Describe Cisco Data Center solutions
* Describe the problems that Cisco data center solutions will solve.
* Describe Cisco’s data center products.
* Describe data center solutions for two market levels.
* Design a solution using Cisco data center products.
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